A crown of curls

Anyone with naturally curly or coily hair will know that it takes tender loving care to maintain and look after it. Imagine however, that you have straight or wavy hair and your child has a completely different hair texture to yours. Nothing you do to your hair works on your child’s hair, it behaves in a completely different way, but you are responsible for maintaining it and making it look presentable. … More A crown of curls

Brixton Design Trail – What’s that?!

The aim of the ‘love carnival’ group within the Brixton Design Trail is to celebrate the music, craft and creativity of carnival, the people who make it happen and the love and laughter it brings. We also aim to showcase and celebrate the African and Caribbean experience and our contribution to Brixton and the wider community. … More Brixton Design Trail – What’s that?!

Sister circle

In a world where women can be competitive towards each other it’s great that a group of like minded women, unknown to each other, can come together in a positive sister circle to laugh, encourage, support and uplift each other. … More Sister circle

Perry’s Palace

Coming from a Nigerian and Jamaican household Perry grew up with hand made crafts in the home and had a natural affinity for them. However, he found that culturally there was not much appreciation or significance given to them. This made him want to source handcrafted artifacts that would be talking points or become heirlooms. … More Perry’s Palace

Home sweet home

What many visitors to Brixton don’t know is that slightly off the beaten track, in a more residential part of town there is a new gift shop and cultural hub that encapsulates all that Brixton has to offer and more. This shop is well known by local residents and those lucky enough to be in the know. The name of this shop is Gida, which means ‘Home’ in the Hausa language of Africa. … More Home sweet home

Nude diversity

If you look up the word ‘nude’ in most dictionaries, the colour nude is described as being ‘of a pinkish-beige colour’   Hmmm.   As the world is not one race or one colour why does it have this definition? For anyone not a pinkish-beige colour this definition also translates to products defined as nude or flesh toned.   Getting nude shoes, underwear, clothes … More Nude diversity